Difference & How To Choose

DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) assesses live applications for vulnerabilities during runtime,

Understanding the Basics: DAST

SAST (Static Application Security Testing) analyzes source code for potential security issues before execution.

Understanding the Basics: SAST

DAST is like a security patrol for your live web applications. Imagine it as the vigilant guardian scanning the perimeter while the party is in full swing. It doesn't just peek into the code; it actively tests the application in a live environment. It throws simulated attacks, analyzes the responses, and identifies vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber adversaries.

DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing

Think of SAST as the code detective, tirelessly examining every line of your application's source code for potential security loopholes. SAST doesn't need the application to run. It dives deep into the codebase, scrutinizing for vulnerabilities such as insecure coding practices, potential exploits, and more, ensuring your defenses are rock-solid from the inside out.

SAST: Static Application Security Testing

Best Way To Utilize or How To Choose: DAST & SAST


Many organizations combine the strengths of both DAST & SAST. It's like having a dynamic guard on the outside while fortifying the castle walls from within.

Using DAST for live application testing & SAST for code-level analysis, organizations identify and patch vulnerabilities early in development lifecycle, creating robust and resilient applications.

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