What is Bitbucket: Definition, Importance & How It Works?

BitBucket, Benefits of BitBucket


In this rapidly changing software development environment, effective collaboration and efficient version control are necessary. In the ecosystem of Bitbucket, a web-based repository hosting service for version control, it is an important component that helps teams take care of their code, collaborate easily as well as implement robust CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) pipelines. This blog seeks to explain what Bitbucket is, its key features, its relevance in software development, and how it works. We will also look at Bitbucket Pipelines together with Bitbucket Cloud and compare Bitbucket with other platforms while also discussing how DevTools can be used to implement effective use of this platform.

What is Bitbucket?

BitBucket is a professional team-oriented Git repository management solution that functions. It offers developers a place where they can host their source code repositories, track changes made to them, and work together on projects amongst themselves. Originally created by Atlassian, though still available for both Git and Mercurial version control systems, Git has, over time, become the most popular choice.

The main purpose of using Bitbucket is to facilitate source code management among development teams as well as seamless integration with other Atlassian products like Jira or Confluence, which enhances productivity within software development workflows altogether.

Key Features of Bitbucket

  1. Source Code Management: Bitbucket allows developers to create and manage Git repositories, facilitating efficient version control and collaborative development from other sources. Repositories can be public or private, enabling project-oriented flexibility.
  2. Branching and Merging: With Bitbucket, developers can create branches that enable them to work on new features or bug fixes without touching the main codebase. Additionally, platforms facilitate branch merging processes conflict resolutions, and guaranteeing code integrity.
  3. Pull Requests: The core functionality of Bitbucket constitutes pull requests where team members are able to review changes made before merging with the master branch, thus enhancing good practices in coding and sharing knowledge within the entire group.
  4. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): Bitbucket Pipelines support automated building, testing, and deploying of code right from the Bitbucket platform itself—this creates a smooth CI/CD process flow for continuous integration and deployment.
  5. Integration with Atlassian Tools: Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with other Atlassian products, such as Jira for issue tracking and Confluence for documentation. These are used by teams who want to enhance their project management capabilities or improve collaboration within the firms they operate in.
  6. Security and Permissions: Bitbucket has robust security features, which include user access controls, two-factor authentication, and IP, which allow listing so that only authorized users can modify and access the codebase.
  7. Code Insights: Code Insights in Bitbucket are used to provide information about the quality of the code and its vulnerabilities, among others. Thus, this feature is helpful for a team to maintain high standards of code health and security.
  8. Bitbucket Server and Data Center: In the case of organizations with strict security or compliance demands, Bitbucket has an on-premises solution with its Bitbucket Server and Bitbucket Data Center, which offer more control over data as well as infrastructure.

Importance of Bitbucket in Software Development

  1. Enhanced Collaboration: Bitbucket’s collaborative tools, like pull requests or inline commenting, promote effective communication between team members, hence ensuring better code quality and faster problem resolution.
  2. Improved Code Quality: By including built-in code review tools plus CI/CD pipelines, Bitbucket helps teams uphold higher standards regarding the quality of their codes throughout the development process. Automated testing and deployments mitigate against errors and make sure new codes smoothly integrate with existing ones.
  3. Workflow Integration Efficiency: Bitbucket seamlessly integrates with Atlassian tools, including Jira and Confluence. It makes it easy for you to manage all your software development projects.
  4. Scalability: Bitbucket has on-premises and cloud offerings for different types of organizations. It can scale from small startups to large enterprises depending on team size and project requirements.
  5. Security: The codebase is secured through features such as granular permissions, IP whitelisting, and two-factor authentication.

How Does Bitbucket Work?

  1. Creating Repositories: Create repositories where the users will be able to store their codes, both public and private, depending on the visibility requirement of the project.
  2. Branching and Code Development: Developers create branches when they have new feature ideas, bug fixes, and experiments. This allows them to manipulate the main source code without necessarily causing any direct impact.
  3. Committing Changes: After modifications are made by developers, they commit their changes to the branch so that each commit will document what was changed. This way, an audit trail is maintained.
  4. Pull Requests: After they are done with their work, programmers usually form a pull request to amalgamate the main codebase with their branch. The revisions are subsequently reviewed by the other team members, who in turn have discussions about them before approving a “pull” request.
  5. Code Review and Merging: Other team members can comment on the code during the process of review, make improvements, and identify areas of concern. If it is agreed upon, then the code will merge into the main branch.
  6. Continuous Integration and Deployment: Bitbucket Pipelines automate this infrastructure pipeline that takes care of building, testing, and deploying your codes. These pipelines run predefined scripts every time changes are pushed to the repository, ensuring that code quality standards are met and ready for deployment.
  7. Tracking and Documentation: Jira’s integration, as well as Confluence, helps teams easily track issues (bugs) while documenting changes made. It aids in monitoring progress over time and keeping a record of decisions taken during the development lifecycle.

How to Get Started

  1. Register and Build a Profile: Please log on to Bitbucket, open an account, and choose your wish.
  2. Start a Repository: Begin by creating a new repository for your project or import one that already exists.
  3. Prepare Git: Install Git on your machine locally, configure it using your Bitbucket account credentials, and clone the repository.
  4. Develop Branches and Fix Things: Do new feature branches, bug-fix branches, and commit the changes, too.
  5. Post Changes and Make Pull Requests: After pushing changes to Bitbucket, create pull requests for code review or merging.
  6. Set Up Bitbucket Pipelines: Define pipeline script in bitbucket-pipeline.yml file to set up bit bucket pipelines.
  7. Integrate with Other Tools: Enable BitBucket for Jira and confluence, among others, would enhance workflow.

What is Bitbucket Pipeline?

BitBucket, Benefits of BitBucket, BitBucket Pipeline

Bitbucket offers teams Bitbucket Pipelines as a powerful Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) service that is built into Bitbucket itself. It helps automate steps like building, testing, and deploying code involved in making software more reliable. You can set up Pipelines very easily because they require only a YAML file to define CI/CD actions as a series of steps.

Key Features of Bitbucket Pipelines

  • Automation: Automate repetitive tasks like building, testing, and deploying code.
  • Customizable: Define custom pipelines for different branches or workflows.
  • Integrated with Bitbucket: Seamlessly integrates with Bitbucket repositories, providing a streamlined workflow.
  • Scalability: Scale your pipelines to handle multiple builds and deployments simultaneously.
  • Notifications: Receive notifications about pipeline status through email or chat tools like Slack.

What is Bitbucket Cloud?

Bit-bucket Cloud, which is a cloud-based model of Bit-bucket, possesses all the central features of Bit-bucket together with advantages that go along with cloud infrastructure. Teams no longer have to deal with local servers and instead receive a secured one-stop-shop solution.


  • Accessibility: Using any device linked to the internet, you can reach your repositories.
  • Scalability: Easily increase resource allocation as your team grows in size.
  • Maintenance-Free: No server management or infrastructure maintenance is necessary; maintenance and updates are Atlassian’s domain.
  • Integration: Achieve an end-to-end development framework by connecting other web tools and services.
  • Security: Rely on Atlassian’s stringent security procedures and compliance requirements.

Bitbucket Cloud vs. On-Premises

Bitbucket Cloud

  • Hosted by Atlassian: initialized and operated by Atlassian, which eliminates the need for in-house management of servers.
  • Scalable: This means you can scale up resources as needed without being concerned about infrastructure restrictions.
  • Accessible: Therefore, it is possible to access it from anywhere, facilitating remote work and collaboration.
  • Automatic Updates: There will be no need to ask for manual intervention as it comes along with automatic update addition as well as other extra features.

Server On-Premises

  • Self-Hosted: It is best for those who prefer managing their data on their own servers since this gives you an opportunity to have control over your data and infrastructure.
  • Customization: Bitbucket allows more customization options compared to GitHub so that customers can satisfy specific security and compliance requirements
  • Performance: Performance may vary, but there might be a boost if many people use demanding tools in big teams.
  • Data Control: Full control over data storage and access, which is crucial for organizations with strict regulatory requirements.

Comparing with Other Platforms

Bitbucket vs. GitHub

  • Target audience: Professional teams and enterprises usually prefer Bitbucket, while open-source projects and individual developers are their strengths.
  • Integration: Both platforms offer rich integration capabilities, but Bitbucket, which has tight integration with Atlassian tools, has the upper hand.
  • Pricing: Both have free and paid options, with pricing structured competitively based on team size and requirements.

Bitbucket vs. GitLab

  • Features: The two platforms have comprehensive CI/CD facilities. However, GitLab provides an all-in-one DevOps solution that contains built-in CI/CD and container registry, among others.
  • User Interface: According to many people, the interface of GitLab is friendly to users.
  • Hosting Options: They provide both cloud-based and on-premises solutions for different organizational needs.

How DevTools Can Help You with the Implementation of Bitbucket

DevTools focuses on assisting organizations to adopt and incorporate DevSecOps practices in order to speed up software development. We give specialized advice on setting up Bitbucket correctly and integrating it seamlessly with other tools such as Jira Software, Bamboo/Jenkins, or SonarQube so your teams can work efficiently. In addition, we conduct training sessions to ensure the proficiency of your team members, manage your Bitbucket environment, and keep it operational at all times. Furthermore, we automate the CI/CD pipeline to better your development workflow and reduce time to market.


Bitbucket is a powerful, adaptable tool that is critical for modern software development. It contains elements such as SCM, branch and merge, pull requests, and built-in CI/CD pipelines that have made it an indispensable resource for developers’ teams. Whether you prefer Bitbucket Cloud to Bitbucket Server or its accessibility to scalability, BitBucket can improve your development considerably.

Looking forward to installing Bitbucket? Seek guidance from professionals like DevTools who will make the adoption process run smoothly and effectively. This is because we understand DevSecOps and automation better and thus can help you get the most out of Bitbucket fast-tracking your SDLC and reaching your business objectives.

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