JetBrains Datalore
Your team’s private platform for collaborative SQL analytics and data integrations, no-code analytics and scalable infrastructure and Python analytics and Interactive BI apps
Datalore allows our team to rapidly prototype and share results with anyone on the team. It’s become a game-changing tool for collaboration across our organization.
Connect any data from the notebook interface

Avoid going back and forth between Jupyter notebooks and your SQL database tools, S3 interface, or file browser.
Analyze data with smart coding assistance and no-code automations
Get coding assistance for: Python, powered by PyCharm, SQL, powered by DataGrip, Kotlin, Scala, R Language

Collaborate everywhere
Easily share notebooks, data, scripts, environments, and reports. Organize team projects in shared workspaces.

Create BI apps with a few clicks
Impress your stakeholders with clean, interactive data apps built from notebooks with just a few clicks.