All About Agile Project Management: Its Definition, Benefits, and How-To Guide

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Explore how DevTools, through its continuous improvement, boosts project success with agile project management. This extensive covers all aspects of APM, covering certification, training, and essential software tools.

What Is Agile Project Management?

Agile Project Management (APM) is a way of planning and guiding project processes through iterative cycles, known as sprints. This method, commonly used in software development, promotes quick and collaborative work, allowing teams to adapt to changing requirements and respond swiftly to feedback in each sprint and product cycle.

Similar to Agile software development, an agile project is completed in small sections, where each iteration is reviewed and critiqued by the project team, including various stakeholders. Insights gained from these reviews guide the next steps in the project.

Agile project management emphasizes working in small batches, visualizing processes, and collaborating with end users for feedback.  Continuous releases are a key focus, incorporating feedback within each iteration.

The main advantage of starting with APM is its ability to address issue that arise during the project, allowing timely adjustments to save resources and ensure successful, on-time, and within-budget delivery.

Why Do You Need Agile Project Management?

Agile Project Management is crucial because it excels in handling issues throughout the entire project journey. At DevTools, we understand the importance of making timely adjustments, saving resources, and ensuring projects are delivered successfully and on time, all while staying within budget constraints.

Benefits & Importance of Agile Project Management

Supporters of Agile project management state that this approach brings various advantages, such as:

  • Enhanced Creative Freedom: Designers can work on models that leverage their strengths.
  • Efficient Resource Use: This allows rapid deployment while minimizing waste.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Developers can easily adapt changes as needed.
  • Easy Problem Detection: Rapid identification of issues enables quicker fixes and better project control.
  • Increased User Collaborations: Agile promotes closer collaboration with users, resulting in products that better meet their needs.
  • Distinguishing features: Unlike traditional methods like Waterfall, Agile Project Management doesn’t require clearly defined goals and processes at the start of development.

Principles of Agile Project Management

Agile Project Management is constructed out of four key values and 12 main principles. The four main principles help clarify that APM is collaborative and people-oriented, with the goal of creating functional software that delivers value to the end user.

The four key values of APM are as follows:

  1. Prioritize individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  2. Creating working software is valued over producing extensive documents.
  3. Customer contracts are always prioritized over negotiating contracts.
  4. The ability to respond to changes should be valued over rigidly following a set plan.

The 12 principles of Agile Project Management are as follows:

  1. Make early and continuous software delivery the top priority for customer satisfaction.
  2. Allows flexibility in requirements, even during later stages of development.
  3. Emphasize the ongoing creation and rapid deployment of working software in short cycles.
  4. Encourages collaboration among developers, end users, and project stakeholders throughout the project.
  5. Ensures team members are motivated to support their working environment.
  6. Prefers face-to-face conversations for effective communication within development teams, if possible.
  7. Primarily measure progress by the development of working software.
  8. Maintain a constant development pace for sustainable progress.
  9. Focus on the continuous improvement of software quality for good design.
  10. Maximize work done by prioritizing simplicity in design.
  11. Encourage teams to be self-organizing for the best software production.
  12. Regularly reflect on ways to become more effective as a team.

Phases of Agile Project Management

Agile Project Management involves five key phrases:


  • Conceptualize the project and product, identifying end customer needs.
  • Determine project workers and stakeholders.


  • Create initial product requirements.
  • Collaborate to brainstorm features and set project milestones.


  • Work on the project within defined constraints.
  • Explore alternatives to meet requirements. Focusing on single milestones, teams iterate before moving on to the next.


  • Review delivered results and make necessary adjustments.
  • Prioritize feedback for continuous improvement with each project iteration.


  • Review delivered results and make necessary adjustments.
  • Reflect on mistakes or issues to enhance future project processes.

How Do Agile Projects Work?

Agile teams focus on QA best practices, constant adaption, and rapid feedback in their iterations. They use practices like integration to automate steps, continuous deployment, and speed up product release.

In APM, teams regularly assess time and cost using velocity, burndown, and burnup charts instead of traditional Gantt charts and milestones to measure progress.

Unlike traditional project delivery methodologies, APM can go well without a project manager where work can be evenly distributed among teams. The product owner can set goals, while the team contributes to scheduling, progress reporting, and quality tasks. Some Agile methods, like Scrum, introduce roles like the Scrum Master for guidance.

While project managers can still play a role in Agile, their functions shift to coordination, especially in larger projects. The product owner takes charge of overall project completion.

As work shifts to team members, teams under APM must understand how to collaborate effectively. Also, they must communicate well and take timely actions to meet delivery schedules.

Agile Project Management vs Waterfall Approach

Agile Project Management has always countered the Waterfall concept. In waterfall, projects always follow a strict step-by-step process, beginning with gathering all requirements before moving on to resource planning, budgeting, and timeline setting. The work is then done, and tested and the entire project is delivered only when all tasks are finished.

Examples of Agile Project Management

Teams commonly choose one or two of these Agile Project Management methods:

  • Scrum: A teamwork-focused framework emphasizing accountability and iterative progress. What can be seen or known is the first premise of the framework. Teams then monitor the process and make any necessary adjustments. The framework includes processes like daily scrums, sprints, sprint planning meetings, sprint reviews, sprint retrospectives, and key roles like product owner and Scrum Master.  The three Scrum pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptability are supported by these roles.
  • Extreme Programming (XP): Prioritizing software quality improvement, frequent releases, and short development cycles with practices like expecting changes, pair programming, code clarity, code review, and unit testing.
  • Feature-driven development: A customer-centric methodology that emphasizes frequent releases and brief iterations. This involves the project business owner in design meetings and iteration retrospectives. Creating a model, creating a feature list, planning out, designing, and building each feature are all steps in the FDD process.
  • Learn software development: Focuses on efficiency and waste reduction in the development process through practices like quality building, learning promotion, and delaying commitments to experiment, and optimize the process.
  • Adaptive Software Development: An early Agile emphasizing continuous learning from a fixed plan, with phases for speculation, collaboration, and learning.
  • Kanban: A visual system managing work progress, representing tasks on a board for teams to track and optimize the process. Kanban starts with the customer’s order and follows production downstream.

Best APM Software

Jira Software is a project management tool, it supports agile methodologies be it scrum or kanban. Jira is used for multiple purposes: bug tracking, issue tracking, organizing and prioritizing and tasks related to software and mobile apps. Many businesses also use Jira Software for document flow, warehouse automation tools, expenses optimization and others. Jira is designed as a bug and issue tracking system, It serves as a powerful task management tool for a variety of use cases.

Use Cases of Jira Software (Agile)

  • Agile Teams
  • Requirements and Test Case Management
  • DevOps
  • Bug Tracking
  • Product Management
  • Release and Capacity management
  • Task Management
  • Software Development

In summary, DevTools strongly advocates for APM, acknowledging its profound influence on project success. The agile methodology, characterized by its iterative, collaborative, and adaptive approach, perfectly aligns with our dedication to continuous improvement and client satisfaction. Embracing APM is at the core of our commitment.


What is the difference between Agile Methodology and Agile Project Management?

Agile Methodology guides software development with iterative cycles, while APM applies Agile principles to manage projects effectively within those cycles.

Is Agile Project Management limited to Software Development?

No, Beyond software development, agile project management can be applied to various industries.

What are the challenges typically encountered in agile project management?

Common challenges include resistance to change, task estimation difficulties, communication issues among teams, and stakeholder involvement.

What is the Agile system for project management?

The Agile system emphasizes adaptability, incremental development, continuous feedback, and close collaboration throughout the project.

What is Scrum in Agile?

Scrum is a specific Agile framework focusing on teamwork, accountability, and iterative progress through ceremonies like daily sprints and sprint reviews.

What is the difference between Agile and Scrum?

Agile is a broader approach emphasizing adaptability and collaboration, while Scrum is a specific framework with defined roles and practices for managing projects iteratively.

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